If you're failing to plan, you're planning to fail

Are you following a structured (and guided) plan that will get you to where you want to be? Or are you winging it?

Trust me... making it up as you go and confidently doing the things you "think" are correct (without seeking guidance from a mentor, coach or trainer to confirm your plan) is surefire way to feel disheartened when you get a few weeks down the track and aren't quite experiencing the progress you thought you would


I wouldn't try fix my engine by propping up the bonnet and poking around... because I have LITERALLY no idea what I'm doing.

So, why are you thinking you can transform your life, mindset and physique by making up rules as you go and blindly following some advice you saw on Instagram a week ago?

There is INDESCRIBABLE value in investing in someone who has spent their life dedicating to learning about the thing you're trying to get better at...

Why would you waste time, energy and probably money and end up getting nowhere when you could spend a few months working with someone and following a program that is going to get you REAL results in both mind and body??

I would love to chat with you if you have goals and desires you're currently attempting to reach by yourself and want some advice around how to get there way more efficiently ❤

Grace xo
